Saturday, March 31, 2007

80s Nostalgia

... WOW ! ...

o [espacio] sea!

encontré este videito y me lo tiré enterito, de verdad que siempre mandan los e-mail esos de que si eres un niño de los 80 blablabla, pero con esto es que uno revivio 1980-1980 de 2pm a 5pm. Eso si, lo digo desde ahora ... el video dura media hora y no van a querer de parar de ver todos los que salen porque hay ahi muchos que se me habian olvidado.

Monday, March 19, 2007

New Blog

well, it's apparent that I haven't been writing much lately. so, it makes it even more ridiculous what i'm about to say.

I openned the Diary of the Broken Heart in a time when the name of it fit perfectly, in fact, the idea of "nothingforever" was implanted into my brain. For those who actual read the Diary, you've seen things have turned quite a bit and things, Thank God!, turned for the best. So, the Diary will stay open, but only to be updated when things feel like they MUST be placed there. In fact, I have one in mind, in rought draft, almost ready to be posted soon.

For all those other ramblings that pop out of my head in some semi-poetic fashion i've openned up another place. a place less constricted to a specific theme, open to any topic, and any form of prose.

I think the name is more than perfect ... i'll be more free there and, as it says in the address, i might probably ramble quite a lot. I hope those who liketo read will pass by once in a while and see what is what. i promise my usual long style of writing will not be norm.

other than that, ... i've chosen to break away from the seriousness of this post and further enlighten you with my vast musical knowledge.

Complot Records - Las Vocales