Monday, February 21, 2005

Things I Value...

No se por qué pero en mi carro en esos lonely drives home es que mi mente esta más activa.

Hoy me puse a pensar que hay cosas tan triviales que para mi son de gran importancia. Siempre he sido fanatico del cine y cuando en THE CROW EricDraven dice " Little things used to mean so much to Shelly. I used to think they were kind of trivial... believe me, nothing is trivial" eso se me quedo en la cabeza para siempre.

Nunca has pensado ese momentico cuando un/una amig@ dice por primera vez "este es mi mejor amigo" ese como que warm feeling que le entra a uno. O cuando hace poco un muy buen amigo mio ahora me dijo "i consider you a true friend" como que ese paso de ser un amigo cualquiera a un true friend. El otro dia fue hasta mas ligero cuando supe que estaba en el speed dial de uno de los panas, como que uno con quien ni hablo tanto... y pense "i'm number 5 ? el uno no coje speed dial, so i'm #4 for him?" y hasta otro pana me dijo "tienes que re-evaluar la amistad ahora"

I value the fact that I can wake up late for work, know my dad is upset, but he will still serve me my coffee when i get to the office and let me drink it. That I wake up and the breakfast is on the table and he made sure I get something to eat. That if I tell my mom now at 2:20am that I would like to eat something tomorrow at lunch it will be there.

I love it when someone says "yo valoro mucho tu opinion" it's so much different than "I respect your opinion" it means someone actually cares and listens to you.

I value a lot that a school year passes and the next year a student will come up to me and use a word I taught him or her and they'll say "See! I learned!" I value ALOT when I assign a book to be read and when I sit down to see if they read it they fight with themselves over the best parts or best characters or how the book ended. I feel I actually achieved something.

I value trust and honesty above all things. Don't lie to me, I'll know. Yes, I know... I am one of the greatest liars of all times, BUT... I've cut down and it just means I know all the tricks...

I also value when I know that I know some people SO well that I know exactly what they are saying, that I know their facial expressions even if I'm on the phone, and that I can understand everything they are feeling by just looking at them.

I value my friends, my family, and my beliefs.


anonymous said...

uff.. this is your best one yet =)
Yo cada vez k entraba aki, siempre pensaba si this is fun to read, pero George tiene muchas otras cosas to talk about, greater things more, more important.
"I value this you just wrote".

Anonymous said... se por que, pero desde k termine de leerlo, dije k tenia k escribir algo.
Es bueno saber k todavia existen personas k puedan valorar eso, y mas una persona como tu....que haz sabido ser para muchos un mentor o que en algun momento haz servido de guia o mas bien, simplemente haz estado ahi para escucharlos cuando mas nadie lo hace y esos son detalles k pocas personas realmente saben valoran. :)

Anonymous said...

bueno yorch really te puedo decir ke todo eso me llegoa la barriga men (tu ke me conoses sabes ke uso mas la panza ke el corazon)

i really appresiate honesty above all things, and by experience i can tell u that beside to love and dont be loved in return, knowing that a friend lied or betrayed u is the worse feeling.

Anonymous said...

I value you George as a teacher and firend and the things you've taught me.
Just wanna let you know you ARE ONE OF the best teacherS I ever had and your work &
effort to get something "educational" in my head has paid off and it's valued
and having you as a friend toO. (you can get haughty now)

Carmen Almonte said...

Realmente llegue al blog porque vi tu perfil en el hi5 y estaba la direccion de esta pagina; decidi entrar, realmente no te conosco pero es super lindo saber q hay personas q si valoran la amistad y la vida.

Carmen Almonte said...

Realmente llegue al blog porque vi tu perfil en el hi5 y estaba la direccion de esta pagina; decidi entrar, realmente no te conosco pero es super lindo saber q hay personas q si valoran la amistad y la vida.