Sunday, July 03, 2005

One Look Is All You Need

I know everyone is half expecting me to say how much Tiesto amazed me. WOWed me. He did. I know you're expecting this sort of summary of all we did, all we joked about, all the stupid things I did and said during this weekend. After all, it was the #1 DJ and we were going away for the weekend. Maybe tell you about the sand, the music, the sunrise, the show, and how my calves are killing me from all the jumping. I know, on Friday I had all that planned but I have something else to say.

Yesterday I had two long talks with 3 of my good friends about someone and I felt that it was so important, so straight from the heart, that I should write it down. Write it down maybe to let you take in the wisdom as well or maybe write it down so that I can further remember it always.


Ayer en pleno bonche he decidido entrar al VIP a buscar algo de beber. Estaba vuelto un desastre. Sudado. Cansado. Adolorido de tanto bailar. Algo paso en el VIP que me dejo en tanto shock que tuve que hablar con unos amigos mios [Joselo, Elegal & Eleri]. Aunque Elegal no se acuerda de nada lo que me dijo eso solamente me dice que vino desde adentro porque el borracho no miente.

No crean que fue algo muy 'out of this world' que paso pero por la situacion y por quien fue me dejo casi sin palabras y todo lo viejo volvio a su mismo puesto. Primero hable con Elegal y Joselo porque estaban ahi mismitos y despues tirado en la arena mirando al mar con Eleri.

Elegal y Joselo me dejaron saber que hay momentos que cosas pasan que uno debe analizarlas bien. Quizas lo que ocurra para TI signifique una cosa y para la otra persona, lo contrario o nada semejante. That is really what I have been thinking about throught most of the day. Could at some point what I conceive as something be nothing more than fun to someone else? Keep in mind this has no sexual connotations. This is purely sentimental. We are talking about feelings. I mean, could what I see as something emm beautiful and mind-blowing be for someone like a brother-sister thing. When can you distinguish this? There are moments when I say "she treats everyone like this, don't make a big deal about it" and then there are moments that I say "wow i have never seen her treat anyone like this, must mean something."

Despues cuando mi cuerpo desistio y cai en la arena. Dormi un rato. Todavia en shock. Incluso soñé sobre eso. Ahi me dio un tablazo Eleri y se sento a hablar conmigo. Le conte lo que habia pasado y su mood cambio drasticamente. Se puso serio y me daba cuenta que lo que venia era algo para yo oirlo. Escucharlo. Analizarlo. [ thnx bro, se te agradece ] El me dijo algo que hace mucho yo sabia pero hace tiempo que no le doy mente ni lo pongo en practica. El me acordo que cuando uno quiere a alguien, osea, de verdad... uno ni necesita hablar. Cuando uno esta con alguien y simplemente con una mirada sabes todo lo que piensan ahi es que estas en lo bueno. El me dijo "loco si tu ve que tienes que estar explicando, no ta bien" y es verdad. When you are in a meaningful relationship there is no need for explanations. A simple glance, a short look and whole conversations have taken place. It's amazing. Es mas, right now I wish all of you to be able to live that moment when you know that your love for someone has grown to a point that they are a part of you, that you may know them so well that it is almost as if analyzing yourself. Pero nada, el punto es que Erick me ha dicho esto y me he quedado con eso en la mente, aparte de lo de Edgar y Joselo. Lo importante que es poder saber todo lo que piensa y siente una persona con una simple mirada. He told me I might not be able to have that with this person. To watch out. To care of myself. . . . . . amazingly he finished saying these things, stood up and said "Vamos pal bonche que se puso bueno!" and walked away. I ran behind him while making a mental note of all he had told me.

It's funny because I had automatically thought about all of you and how I figured you al needed to hear this. It's important to know when love is that strong, it is. I wish I could find it once more. Maybe with her, maybe with someone else. Who knows!


Anonymous said...

DAMN!! Tengo un hoyito de la nariz tapao!!!! (You said once that u live for abrupt endings... i live 4 abrupt changes jejeje)

Pero na dude... Eso es para que veas más beneficios del alcohol, you can speak your heart out and still have a blast jeje.

anonymous said...

love happens.

Carmen Almonte said...

Es verdad yo estaba esperando una entrada del Bonche, pero realmente es como te dijo tu amigo; si hay q dar explicaciones entonces algo no esta bien, es como me dijeron ayer cuando hay amor un porque si es mas q suficiente. Bueno na suerte

Anonymous said...

the moment u stop searching for love, is the precise moment that love start searching for u.

uno puede o no puede ser paciente pero el amor no se busca, simplemente llega sin necesidad de ninguna clase de explicacion.

only time can heal, only time will tell

annush said...

i hate time.

but at least i know that time always puts things in their rightful place.

Anonymous said...

Uuuuuf... solamente puedo suspirar. Nothing else. If you need someone to talk to, neutral and all that, let me know.

CésarD said...

i wish i felt like that too ;/ la mujere son el diablo. EL MIMO DIABLO COÑO. por eso e que no puedo vivir sin ellas =)