Thursday, August 31, 2006

Funniest E-mail Conversation

Para los que no saben lo Tigre and I nos escribimos diario por e-mail... es como si tuvieramos un forum pero sin tenerlo, como un mailing list pero sin el actual mailing list ... we just hit REPLY ALL y escribimos la primera porqueria que se nos ocurra ... and we do it A LOT. Cuando digo lo tigre hay que especificar que esto incluye a: Andrew, Moreno, Deme, Vicz, Ereli, Elegal, Joel, Crema, Joselo, Manu, and James. A veces incluimos a Lyn, Flor, Clo, Jesus, Lety or Minnie... depende del tema or guateva.
El punto de este post es postiar one of the funniest conversations I've ever read. Todo lo que postiaré fueron e-mail escritos por las personas que salgan, no cambie nada, solamente le daba copy-paste. Claro, hay algunos q se confundiran porque es dos personas escribiendo al mismo tiempo y despues respondiendose... pero here it is.
Foul Language Included
Sorry guys,
but it was hilarious!
Yorch: i was like reading this comic and $hit ... y en una un pana grita relajando NAKED SKYDIVING y otro dood takes it seriously and jumps off [just the parachute] ... ok ... soo.....wouldn't that hurt? o sea tu schlong flopping around and $hit? i mean ... y ni empezar de hablar del aterrizaje en si , pero ...o sea WHY? so se hace ?
Deme: Mierda men!! Esa vaina debe doler!!!! All that wind and !!
Vicz: Doods... eso es muy comun, men... hjeehe... en Wild On lo pasaban a cada rato.. look weird.... c0cks just flap away in the wind... jejejej....
Elegal: Chocar con un mokito a esa velocidad debe de picar… aunke sea un chin… o no?
Ereli: EL DEBEMBE de una camisa es inevitable. Pero esto no es porque le pase a una camisa, eso le pasa a todo lo que va en contra de un viento descomunal. En conclusión, if u jump ….. TODO SE DEBEMBA!
Andrew: Just imagine when the parachute opens.....that jerk thing that it does... remember parachutes are tied under you legs and stuff.
Andrew: Papa como asi??? A METAL picture...Osea.... todo en figuras metálicas... asi como Mario metal en smash brothers??? No creo que el parachute funcione para metal people
Ereli: Ah porque ahora elegal lo tiene de metal y vaina! ELEGAL EL METALICO!
Deme [to elegal]: bueno! you literally have balls of steel...hehehe
Deme [to vicz]: doods, si un wegy duele como el kiero ni saber el halón k esa vaina da cuando se abra el parachute! OOOOUUUUUCCCCCHHHHHH!! ahora ahora, vicz (all mighty wise one) como k le puso mucha atencion cuando pasaron eso por TV. hehehehehehehehehe
Elegal: Tu entendite!... you all did!
Ereli: ELEGAL EL METALICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ELEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vicz [to Elegal]: Yeh... we all got it.... u got METAL BALLS!!!
Vicz [to Deme]: on teevee.... what else do you need... Dont be all prissy now and deny when u see a boobie u dont turn back the channel... jajajj
Deme: ti ts catches anybody's attention...but that wasn't all u said.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
See what I meant? Keep in mind we ALL read it, just that not all of us reply at the moment. Not like el famoso día que dije algo de beisbol a las 7:15 y a las 2:30 tenia 35 emails!
Tambien será la despedida de Lety...
So, aunque no tengan BLOGS, pasen por allá!
If you read the Diary of a Broken Heart,
it's her ;)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Fairy Tales

Ever heard that old song that they always put in romance movies that goes "fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart"? It's a song by Tony Bennett, si la bajan y la oyen diran "ahhh si si si, la he oido." I've always liked that song, en si, it's a good song, pero I like the lyrics as well.

See the thing is that fairy tales are not that hard to realize. It just takes a lot of heart. People try and go by it with their brains, thinking too much, analyzing, listenning to others' opinions ... but that's not it. For true dreams you need to have heart.

Remember in that comedy with Gene Hackman and Keanu Reeves that they are replacement football players. Movie is hilarious [it's called The Replacements], but almost at the end they ask the coach what they need to win a game that they were losing by A LOT and he said "heart, lots and lots of heart." He didn't want the best, fastest, strongest dood ... he wanted the guy with heart.

They give heart very little recognition. Even when we'd watch Captain Planet and the Planeteers ... who the hell ever wanted to be Kwami with the ring heart?

Emmm ... ok let me go back to Fairy Tales. We all have our fairy tale lives in our heads. We all have what we really want, what makes us smile, what makes us happy, and we get all giddy. We have these thoughts about our future and we want it. We plan it. We think it. We talk about it. But I have to admit it's not easy to get there. It takes a lot of heart.

It's best when you don't just think of it, but you visualize it. When you daydream about it. When it's such a strong thought that you can almost feel it. You can picture a wedding, the clothes, the music, the people, the place, the waking up next to each other, the children, the education you give them, and so on. When you can start doing all that. Picking out details and things that for others would be generalizations. You're giving it heart if you can do that. You're letting your heart show you what it wants, what it feels, what it hopes for.

Setbacks? Bumps in the road? Sidebars? Blockades? Yeah. They happen. They happen a lot. If you're setback, you pick up the pace to catch up. If there's a bump on the road you hang on for the jump and get back to normal. If you get sidebarred, work it out, and then come back. Seeing a blockade on your road? Choose another path.

Our lives are like maps. When you get in your "car" you know where you want to go, you choose a path to get there. Sometimes that path may be bumpier, but shorter; some are smoother, but longer; some curve a zillion times; some just get you there in jiffy. BUT ... the idea is that they are all paths that lead you to the same point. It's what you do to get there that matters, it's how you handle all the problems in between that matters.

If you know what you want. If you got your destination ready and are faced with a problem. You don't stop and turn around to go back to the beginning and give up. You find another route. You look for another path.

So, don't give up so easily. If it's there in your heart. Even in the faintest, softest way. It's still there. Try and follow your dreams. Go after your fairy tale.

"Fairy tales can come true
It can happen to you
If you're young at heart"

Friday, August 11, 2006

CoroBlog - El Cuarto [MUDADO]

Señores ...
dada a varias concuxiones y errepivalias entre nostros hemos tenido que mudar el coroblog para el primero de septiembre. es decir ... 01 de 09 del 2006 ... o september 1st ... porque ? es que cuando contamos la actividad coaxial que habia nos dimos cuenta que por mas imperves que nos pusieramos la enfufureción de las personas no cuadraría. entonces dada a esas circuncripciones hemos decidido que lo mudaremos.
de verdad que nosotros no lo habiamos pensado asi, pero si ... si ... emmm ... se cambio señores.
todo el mundo pa'lla esa fecha!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

El Cuarto - CBIV

Pues como dice el título ...
Alfonso y yo estabamos pensando.

[estilo asi]

que ya es suficiente ...
que ya la gente lo quiere ...
que ya es necesario ...
que ya ...
it's too much waiting...

pues por ahi viene...

Que vayan todos los blogueros y blogueras!
Que se tiren fotos! Que se oiga buena música!
Que se ria! Que se cherche! Que se goze!

Y SI VAN MUCHA GENTE ... quizas ...
los quiero ver a todos alla!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"27 Ways To Be Like Jorge" by Erin Myers

To lo pana mio saben que me he puesto a limpiar y cambiar mi habitación. Ahora hay mucho más espacio, tengo una cama más grande y he botado el maso de porqueria. En esa botadera es que uno se pone a encontrar cosas que uno dice "¿y eto e mio?" Yo encontré dos pentalitro. No uno, sino DOS! Y para colmo ... uno tenia ron todavia. Imaginense de cuando es eso porque nosotros no bebemos asi de eso desde el año pasado.

Pero na. El punto es que he encontrado una listica que hizo una muy buena amiga mia el 28 de febrero del 2000. O sea que yo ni me habia graduado todavía. Estaba ahi en el colegio disfrutando la buena vida. Lo que me dio risa de este e-mail, que ella lo escribió dese Virginia ya que se habia mudado a vivir para allá, es que se llama "27 Ways to be like Jorge."

It's funny. Yo me rei cuando lo leí. Me dio risa ver que alguien me dijera Jorge. Me acordé que era el UNICO Jorge en el colegio entero y por eso nace lo de "EL GEORGE." Asi que decidí pasarlo aquí para ver, de aquellos que me conocen [sea por leer mi blog o de vida real], si todavia funciona.

"27 Ways to be like Jorge"
by Erin Myers

1- Act like you know what you don't, but this should not be applied to sex
2- Always ask
3- Don't panic. But act like you're panicked
4- When in doubt ... laugh!
5- Never admit that you are wrong, even when you know you are ... NEVER!
6- Eat good food every chance you get
7- Remember there is no such thing as too much sugar or too little sleep
8- Always make faces when feeling any type of emotion
9- There is no excuse not to dance
10- There are no limits when making fun of guys. If you go too far when making fun of girls, make sure you hug them, it makes everything "better"
11- Never blow bubble gum bubbles around long hair or dogs
12- Remember ... oldies songs are cool
13- When choosing something to wear, comfort comes first and socks are a must!
14- Being serious is not an option unless you are in "serious" trouble or someone "seriously" makes fun of your girl
15- Your hair defines your character ... mine, of course, is the best type
16- Don't [and i stress the don't] mess with me if i'm sleepy. - EVER!
17- If you act like you know what you are doing then people ask less questions and you get away with a lot more than you should have.
18- Read only the minimum amount in school but acknowledge the fact that some of the greatest people around are writers and see what they have to say every once in a while ... don't make this a habit though.
19- Remember... when dressing to go swimming, never wear hair gel. They dont mix.
20- Always, always, always wear boxers
21- When driving or being a passanger in your friend's car: always fear for your life, but know that if you hang on tight and scream loud enough nothing can happen to you.
22- Only bother the important people ... this should be left open for interpretation
23- Keep your promises
24- Know and admit when you've had too much to drink, but don't let this keep you from having a good time at a party, or anywhere else for that matter.
25- When in public, act like you're 3, think like you're 69 and look like you're 21. Although in real life you're barely 17.
26- Never copy anyone's style
27- Enjoy what you have, every minute of life, it's the only one you get.

Bueno hasta ahi llego la lista. I think I took #6 too seriously. Ahhh and #25 well ... hehehe I had JUST turned 17 pero yo me veia más viejo. It's like now ... everyone thinks I'm like 30 or something.

So ... is this still me?