Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Metallica - Hardwired... to Self-Destruct

On October 8th, 2005 I wrote MUSIC GUIDES ME.

I reread it today after today's previous post on 1979.

However, part of me really wanted to write again because I have been listening to Metallica's new album "Hardwired ... to Self-Destruct."

I am a true Metallica fan. I have each album.
I love each album.

I can rank them, of course - but each album has AT LEAST 3 songs I enjoy a lot.
(Yes, even St.Anger - which even Lars dislikes). I love LOAD and RELOAD and DEATH MAGNETIC <-- all="" because="" blackalbum.="" fans="" from="" i="" is="" it="" killemall="" live="" mention="" metallica="" these="" to="" understood="">

But St.Anger HAD to happen because it was a phase. It is like a rough patch in a relationship, it usually shows an end or rebirth.

This was a rebirth of Metallica - they began to grow, they were better, they were stronger, they matured, and became stronger together.

HARDWIRED is an excellent album
It is as if Metallica became a sum of all its parts.

  • "Dream No More" reminds me of "The Thing That Should Not Be" from the Master of Puppets album back in 1987! 
  • "Hardwired" has this intense, fast-paced, rip your face off feel to it that it reminds me of "One" from "...And Justice for all." 
  • "Atlas Rise" is something out of the Black album mixed with LOAD.
  • "Halo On Fire" is a bit like a LOAD/RELOAD song - probably the only one I didn't like much.
Disc 2 - in general - feels like a LOAD/RELOAD album. Strong on lyrics, lacking on the guitar solo / thrash. Effects heavy. 

FOR THE EXCEPTION OF "SPIT OUT THE BONE" <--- ...="" a="" accelerating.="" an="" and="" andjusticeforall="" as="" bang="" bass="" because="" constant="" did="" disc="" div="" double="" drum="" end="" felt="" heart="" i="" killemall.="" last="" my="" of="" offspring="" on="" put="" song="" that="" the="" there="" they="" this="" to="" wanted="" was="" with="">

There are some wonderful fast-paced insane songs and some beautiful melodic songs and some tough-rough-intense songs.

Smashing Pumpkins - 1979

I have been listening to this song over and over again.

I am not a Smashing Pumpkins fan. I like the band, some great songs - but, not a fan. Never even owned an album.

However, this ONE song stirs up emotions that are linked to my adolescence.

I don't even think I heard it A LOT, or recorded it on a VHS tape from MTV, or burned it into a CD.

As soon as it starts, a veil of happiness and tranquility drops on me. I feel carefree somehow. I feel better, all of the sudden.

I think I just wanted to share that, it's a great song, but even as I type this while listening to the song I notice I don't even know the lyrics, I don't even know what this song is ABOUT!

How can a piece of music do this without it being something you have memorized and sung thousand times over?

Music has always been such an intricate part of my life; intertwined with experiences and life moments, but I have to admit sometimes I am amazed at how a song moves me.

It is almost out of the blue.

Any song ever do that to you?