Saturday, August 20, 2005

RaNsOm L3tt3r

To All You Blog Readers Out There:

We have taken your "Teacher" George Hostage!

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We have joined our forces to battle against "the man."

We will torture him while he plays, he talks, he watches TV, he writes and he sleeps until our demands our met! Following are our demands:

- Sign an agreement never to try and eliminate us. That goes for this 'nelsong' character too.
- Never call me Papo again... It is the name given to me by "the man" ... I am Pedro. Pablo is just Pablo.
- Bring us chocolate cheesecake with peanut butter.
- We need a new keyboard. Find one. Wireless.
- Bring back Airwalks.
- 10 pounds of lint.
- Get joselo to say he dropped the drink. We were there. We saw him.
- Eliminate this use of hats, caps, beanies, and all those things to encarcerate us. We shall never forget those dreadful days locked in that heat!
- We spoke to the Super Tennis ... they want new colorful shoelaces. They said something about some humanoids of names of Yama, Anita, Kiki and Lauronga... you have other color things, bring them to us.

If these demands are not met...

it shall be the end of... well... no... we can't kill him,but umm... we can't do much to him.

we WILL attack him again!


Do this NOW!

- Pablo & Pedro


gracias a PlanetBLOG & BlogsDominicanos por leer y por regar la voz de mis escritos
thank you all of you others who are always here reading too
my God have mercy on your minds after me


anonymous said...

dont harm george plz!

Libélula said...

Hang in there, George! Your demands are on the way! Jajaja

Kiki A.Ortiz said...

no..mis medias no!.

yo amo a esos dos loquitos..son como mis hijitos...
toy orgullosa de ellos

Anonymous said...

thats it!!!

only god can judge me and only He knows what truly happened that night

when u die by the "hands" of Pablo and Pedro and u go to Hell, Satan te hara pagar por echarle la culpa a un pobre y desprotegido inocente sabiendo ke en realidad fuiste tu el unico culpable!!!!


i feel relieved now

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest thing I've read in YEARS!!!!! Estoy tan eplotá de la risa que me duele el diafragma, la barriga y la quijada... por poco me caigo de la silla y mi marido me preguntó que si estoy loca. Leyó el entry a está ahora él eplotao de la risa...

Too much, dear, too much!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok este es el plan... entra al baño como una mañana normal.. mirate en el espejo y acaricialos como si los fueras a peinar y ahy ! de repente agarras unas tijeras y sas LO MATAS ! pedro y pablo pasaran a otra vida ! y se convertiran en tus fantasma .. lol .. e q vi a andrea.. :P pero kill them ! ellos no dejeran libreee es una trampa !! KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL

Gabbie said...

NOOOOOOOO no maten a Pedro y Pablo (Flinstones??)!! yo se lo dije a Yorch!! que no los amarrara! que no les pusiera gel!! I told him, now look what happened!!! the empire... I mean the hair strikes back!!!!

I knew this would happen...

Chelle said...

bueno yol, tamos casi en la misma... a mi me estan buscando!!!

Annie Sanchez said...

You're whack, that's all there is to it. Great blog.

Ann said...

Liberen al yorch!!!!

Lynn Marie said...

FREEE YOLCH! im gonna make t shirts with this.. gracias a los secuestradores.. ahora yo hare mucho $$$ con esto!! no lo liberen todavia!! (if u keep him 4 two more weeks les dare el 2.5% de lo q gane)..

.::. ~ natz! * .::. said...

oh no!!!.. how did we let this happen!!.. oh no!! nooooooooooooo!!

Lauronga said...

My shoelaces? no way =p !!!!