Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a little some some

I opened this up hoping that something would come to my mind. I just read some comments from the "When Bloggin was fun..." post and my old friend's, Baakanit, comment struck a cord in my heart. It's been long since I've wanted to write, but now I find myself WANTING to write again. Missing it ...

"Wise teachings" he says ... people miss my wise teachings. hmmm

so here I sit, sin camisa pq el calor esta increible, y estoy tratando de pensar en QUE yo puedo decir que sea "sabidurĂ­a" para ustedes...

I'm looking down my chest and my belly [q no es tan grande como antes pq he perdido como 30 libras - aunque todavia estoy chubbchubb] y me estoy dando cuenta de algo!

mi ombligo no esta centralizado!

ta alitraniao!

wth !

ta como q pa la derecha ... :(

i'm a stray

hmm that's all that came to my mind :)


cloklis said...

ajajajaj i just looked at some pictures of you without a shirt and...

you´re right!! it is kinda funky!!!

alfonso said...

e que no ta a plomo

Harry Luna... said...

ke pena, esperemos que se enderece...

Gabbie said...

como se endereza un ombligo??? }}glad to have you back!!!! :)

Baakanit said...

Hey man i see you are posting. I'm not a guitarist but once in a while I love striking some chords. Even though might not produce any kind of music.

The wise teachings, the fun, I feel it, i think it's back, you haven't lost the blogging flavor.

Blogging is like riding a bicycle, you don't forget it.

Welcome back, do it when you can, don't force the "mingo" like they say in the streets.