Thursday, May 01, 2008

Yo soy como Daddy Yankee...

I really am ...
don't laugh!

You think I'm joking and I'm going to say something crazy, but I'm not. Yo soy como Daddy Yankee ! ! !

Ayer yo me paré en la Farmacia Regal a buscar una gelatina y me he topado con esto:

It's Daddy Yankee hair gel ! ! ! Desde que lo vi y lei el nombre me llamo la atención. URBAN.
Super original, it's stylish ... well, duh! It's styling gel... sin alcohol, no flakes either...

Y hasta dice abajo EL CARTEL - DADDY YANKEE ...

and you can see the cap right ? yup! it's a baseball hat, pa'tra ... como the bigBoss himself!

Lo compré ... 146 pesos ...
I bought it.

It's like a cement mixer was poured on your head and it looks wet. Amazing. I was shocked at how strong it was ... y eso que yo he usado Dady, Halka, Shine, VO5, Tropical, and others ... esta es la mejor...

La vuelvo a comprar.*

i told you i was like daddy yankee


cloklis said...


i can´t contain my laughter here in the office!

te falto una foto wearing the gel!

Erick said...

cemex en el caco??? jajajajaja....

QUE!!!! QUE!!!! QUEEE!!!!

Frank Velez said...

lol...yo la vi en el supermarket..El Amigo creo que

Guess i'll have to try it that someone has...

no queria que se me caiga el cabello!!

alfonso said...

vamo a probal

Atrum said...

Tichel! tiene que poner una foto de eso jajaja....eso hay que verlo o_O

cloklis said...

you have to get the possy to pose with you.. that would be kick ass...

the rebirth of MC Yolch!

t!iNk said...


thats some funn ass shit... yeah ok its fine that he is hot and everything but come on...if you gona make a product thats going to sell all aroung the world then i think it "STUPID!" for him to put a baseball hat as a top...thats not resentable at seems childlish and well if it was gel for my nephews hmmm well it was ok...

Baakanit said...

Well, at least his gel is not bad. If the gel were like his music, te dejaría calvo.

Greetings man.