Thursday, October 09, 2008

Women and their Confidence

More than ten years ago my favorite comedian, Jerry Seinfeld, said the joke: "I don't understand how a woman can take boiling hot wax, pour it on their upper thighs, rip the hair out by the roots, and still be afraid of a spider."

Now, Seinfeld is the king of Noticing the Unnoticeable. After years of watching Seinfeld, the show, over and over and over... My mind has been trained to see these little tidbits, never like Jerry, but at least a bit bit.

For example, this weekend I was on a bus on my way to Punta Cana and across the aisle from me sat this woman. She came in carrying her overly packed carry-on. She didn't roll it, she CARRIED it. Then, she took it, lifted it up, and put it on the top compartment. Some men even stood up to help, even I did, but she was done!

Apart from that ... she had a 'tubi.'

Un tubi!

/>So ... this woman , wearing a tubi, in public, who carried her heavy carry-on onboard the bus, and lifted it with ease to the top compartment then ...

opened up a book called "Mujer - Segura De Si Misma"



Anybody who can wear that thing in public is sure of themselves!


Maryorie Nin said...

Jajajajaja... oye, yor, tate tranquilo. Que nojotra la mujere preferimo anda en tubi delante de deconocido, que como una loca in front of the man que no guta a lot...jejejeje....

Unknown said...

jajajajaja q risa ete post. but it sure makes sense q una mujer tiene q estar bien sure of herself to wear a tubi en publico.

and waxing...crazyyyyyy sh*t! once you're used to it tho...stops hurting :P

*-. aliCe .-* said...

lo del tubi tiene sentido nama in our heads i think... pq i concur (sp?) with kandy que yo prefiero que me vea una guagua llena de gente a k me vea mi novio (que quiza iba a ver la susodicha). so na, ella se lo quita ante de bajase de la guagua y voila! salonazo pa su hombre lol

La Claudis said...

Una vez recibi a un amigo mio en tubi y este me dijo: Que peinado mas lindo! Claro el tipo estaba en muela y pense que era un cumplido... pero dias despues volvio a mi casa y me pregunto que porque no me hacia el peinado del otro dia que me quedaba tan bien, yo le dije! Idiota eso no es un peinado es un TUBI!!! Dure como 20 minutos explicandole para que nos haciamos un tubi...fue agotador!

GirlFromSantiago said...

Bueno, mano, lo que son los tubis y los rolos, ni de relajo me van a ver en la luz pública así!!