Friday, September 16, 2005

Y Se Me Bajaron Las Defensas

Yo sé que no se ha escrito desde el lunes pero es porque cogi esta semana para salir diario porque Moreno se fue hoy viernes.

Anoche nos juntamos todos los muchachos de todos los tiempos ... eleri, elegal, moreno, vicz, andrew, joselo, crema, joel, alex, and me. Eso fue una risa constante, unos griterios, unos desordenes. Invitamos a Tio Barcelo y cuando se fue ... vino el primito Brugal. Medio sucio el y asqueorso, pero que se va hacer!

De verdad que las gozamos hasta mas no poder.

Hoy me levante por el suelo.

Fisicamente y mentalmente.

Cuando Moreno llego de sorpresa y me llamo asi a mi sin yo saber los animos me llegaron al cielo. Despues cuando dijo que duraria casi un mes fue como que WOW! ... The shit is que now I think he is here. Osea I saw him basically daily. Que vaina. He's gone.

Se me bajaron las defensas.

Por lo menos sé que James y Moreno vienen para la segunda semana de diciembre. That will be amazing.


- Two students brought me a present from the United States. It is a wooden apple that says A+ Teacher. Meant the world to me.

- Another student who left the country left a letter to be read to the class saying goodbye to them all, in it, towards the end, she left me a sentence that read something like:

"To George, man, I owe half of the things in my brain to you. I will miss you."

- Then another student who left the school told me that I would always be his teacher no matter what.

- Teacher Yorch


Anonymous said...

us your students we love u so much and cherish you, it's ashamed some of us are not there to keep living that.

Anonymous said...

Jejej i'm afraid i was one of the apple girl:P jeje dat was funny,well Yorch i hope u liked it, me and maribel picked it out since we saw it cuz it sound just like u saying " wat a genious am i" jeje w/e but still it's for u could remember dat u'll always have some students who think of u we ever we are..!--> Mariela

_di! said...

hay dios! k cool, por qué yo no tuve ningún profesor así?! hay Yorch tu como que deberías darme clases alguna vez!!! loool, no sabes nada de Derecho que vayas un día de prof. invitado? bueh, yo lo felicito porque ser profesor (y sabiendo la fama de los profs de por si) que hablen así de uno es más que un's a lifelong must be proud, and if you're not...well, you should! making a difference in someone's life is the most fulfilling thing a human being can experience...

Libélula said...

In the end, that's all that really matters. It's awesome you've made such an impression on someone's life like that. I wish I could say that about one of my teachers... :(

Aribelette said...

Awwww! Que sweet! Que bueno que eres asi con tus alumnos, u r cool :)

cloklis said...

When you become a teacher so young, you know how to treat your students because you are still a student.

Thats why they love you so much.

Thats why they respect you above any other teacher.

Thats why you make such a possitive impact in their lives.

Knowing that you taught them something good and valuable that they will cherish, treasure and use the rest of their lives is..priceless!!

Being a teacher is no easy task. On your hands fall the responsability of shaping fragile and illiterate minds into the intelligent people of the future.

Keep on marking lives the way you. I wish that someday my own kids will be under your influence.

Kiki A.Ortiz said...

clo de donde tu copiate eso?jejejje waooo...o sea...vieja me impactaste mas que el post..yorch,im proud of u.

tu lo sabes .

.::. ~ natz! * .::. said...

ai how sweet..

Anonymous said...

You deserve it, baby! Yo tuve profesores que todavía recuerdo y que quiero muchísimo... cada vez que voy a RD, paso por mi colegio a saludarlos y con par de ellos me he juntado a socializar con par de tragos en la mano!