Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Vicz Has A Blog!


It is true!

It finally happened!


Si quieren leer algo , then this is definitely the place to be!

Want to know something you've never heard of?

Want to ask a question of something you don't know?

Want to maybe laugh your ass off?

Want to simpifize with someone?

Vicz's Blog Is The Man.

Vicz = The All Knowing


Anonymous said...

Get ready for the ALL-KNOWING!

Vicz said...

Damn... you give me too much credit. Now i have performance anxiety. they will expect too much from me. am only human. allknowing... dang...

Teacher Yorch said...

shit man, it's that almost everything i know has come somehow from you.

these people might as well know the master.

two there are always. a master and an apprentice.

.::. ~ natz! * .::. said...

hmm.. this should be interesting.. i see u love vic.. lol.. if i didnt know better i would think things.. hahahaha.. :P.. tu hermano men con blog.. eso es como otro tu.. si k ve eso..

Anonymous said...

HELL YEAH!!! at last vicz, it was about time. we all are specting a blog full of knowlegde, wisdom, maturity and all those useless crap that caracterize u :D

im looking forward it

Chelle said...

it's more than a patio, this piece of island...! el vicz...