In my free time at the Ashton School I roam around a lot. I roam around because they normally use my classroom to give other classes so I am thus left homeless for one or two or three hours. What I have noticed is that I am always free for the Pre-Kinder lunch. What I do is I stroll on over to the yard area and I sit down. Most of them are in shock to see a male teacher and ask simple questions, the others just go along their own business. These are the ones I pay more attention to.
Lesson 1 - Sidewalk Chalk
Apparently sidewalk chalk is an amazing thing for them. In some cases I think it works as currency too. They trade and barter several objects, toys, and food for pieces of chalk. Making cool drawings on the floor is not a cool thing, making big nonsense doodles is much better. The chalk always comes in pastel colors and are always somehow bright as well. Another thing I also learned is that, apparently, sidewalk chalk tastes good.
Lesson 2 - Non-"Jump Rope"
Jump ropes are also an awesome lunch item. What amazes me is that jump ropes now are made out of plastic, thus not being rope anymore, it's just a jump plastic string thing. The whole plastic thing is because it CLICKS when it hits the ground. Now, not only is it not a rope anymore, but it isn't used for jumping. It's really now used for running around and pulling it behind you. If you are the proud user of the non-jump-plastic-string-thing then you may run around and all the other kids will chase after you and cheer. They don't really try to grab you or anything, they just run behind you.
Lesson 3 - Lunch?
Lunch time has changed a great deal since my day. One of the things that has changed about it the most is that there is no lunch. Kids take lunch boxes, but don't eat. They open them up, see what is in it, trade, bite one or two times, and run away as if realizing their food is poisoned. What is interesting is that I have noticed that most of them do not eat, but if they forget their lunch boxes they cry about not having anything to eat. The teacher then feels bad, gets them something to eat, they abandon the gifted food, and run away full of glee.
Lesson 4 - Who Needs Toys?
One of the greatest things is watching them play with the minimum amount of resources they are allowed. Or better yet ... they're not allowed to take toys. You know, they don't want kids to compete as to who has the better toys and all. So, these kids are basically there with nothing. Now this is for them kids who don't use the non-jump-plastic-thingie, nor the balls, nor the chalk. These guys are renegades. These guys use: nothing. Yeap. You read it right, they don't use anything at all. They run around and actually say all the things they have in their hands and the others get to Ooh and Aah at what they SAY they have. one kid ran up to me and said he had super powers if I had any. I responded, I have all the ones you have and many more. Ooooh Aaaah I was like Superman at that moment, head of the League of Justice.
Lesson 5 - Can't get it? Cry!
not taking into consideration all the super powers they say they have and all, they know they have one power that stops the world and makes them the center of attention. Crying. If they can't get the candy? Cry. If he won't let him kick the ball? Cry. Someone ate your chalk? Cry. In an instant a teacher will rush by their side, ask what happened, and give you whatever you don't have. It's amazing. A second later, they aren't crying. They forgot they were crying. The teacher is a mean person all over again.
These are a few of the lessons I have learned by just being a simple observant of the pre-kinder race. Maybe in the future I shall learn other things, or maybe I shall try to see what the kinders teach me. As for now I shall continue to sit in my little wall and laugh.
Lesson 1 - Sidewalk Chalk
Apparently sidewalk chalk is an amazing thing for them. In some cases I think it works as currency too. They trade and barter several objects, toys, and food for pieces of chalk. Making cool drawings on the floor is not a cool thing, making big nonsense doodles is much better. The chalk always comes in pastel colors and are always somehow bright as well. Another thing I also learned is that, apparently, sidewalk chalk tastes good.
Lesson 2 - Non-"Jump Rope"
Jump ropes are also an awesome lunch item. What amazes me is that jump ropes now are made out of plastic, thus not being rope anymore, it's just a jump plastic string thing. The whole plastic thing is because it CLICKS when it hits the ground. Now, not only is it not a rope anymore, but it isn't used for jumping. It's really now used for running around and pulling it behind you. If you are the proud user of the non-jump-plastic-string-thing then you may run around and all the other kids will chase after you and cheer. They don't really try to grab you or anything, they just run behind you.
Lesson 3 - Lunch?
Lunch time has changed a great deal since my day. One of the things that has changed about it the most is that there is no lunch. Kids take lunch boxes, but don't eat. They open them up, see what is in it, trade, bite one or two times, and run away as if realizing their food is poisoned. What is interesting is that I have noticed that most of them do not eat, but if they forget their lunch boxes they cry about not having anything to eat. The teacher then feels bad, gets them something to eat, they abandon the gifted food, and run away full of glee.
Lesson 4 - Who Needs Toys?
One of the greatest things is watching them play with the minimum amount of resources they are allowed. Or better yet ... they're not allowed to take toys. You know, they don't want kids to compete as to who has the better toys and all. So, these kids are basically there with nothing. Now this is for them kids who don't use the non-jump-plastic-thingie, nor the balls, nor the chalk. These guys are renegades. These guys use: nothing. Yeap. You read it right, they don't use anything at all. They run around and actually say all the things they have in their hands and the others get to Ooh and Aah at what they SAY they have. one kid ran up to me and said he had super powers if I had any. I responded, I have all the ones you have and many more. Ooooh Aaaah I was like Superman at that moment, head of the League of Justice.
Lesson 5 - Can't get it? Cry!
not taking into consideration all the super powers they say they have and all, they know they have one power that stops the world and makes them the center of attention. Crying. If they can't get the candy? Cry. If he won't let him kick the ball? Cry. Someone ate your chalk? Cry. In an instant a teacher will rush by their side, ask what happened, and give you whatever you don't have. It's amazing. A second later, they aren't crying. They forgot they were crying. The teacher is a mean person all over again.
These are a few of the lessons I have learned by just being a simple observant of the pre-kinder race. Maybe in the future I shall learn other things, or maybe I shall try to see what the kinders teach me. As for now I shall continue to sit in my little wall and laugh.
the other day when we were talking about that, i was just having a mental picture about the gourmet wrap one of the students took one day and how you described it made miso hungry.
jajaa y que risa con el carajito que tu le dijiste que you could read his mind!!!
non-jump-plastic-string-thing - hahahaha... good one
i know what u are like some kind of aliens, k se van a daptando poko a poko a la tierra...u should live with my little sister...ella suele estar muy "EMOSIONOSA" por las cosas...
and she sure knows how to cry her way out things...
Wherever you may roam ?
sound familiar, lol.
dood. lo chamakito son un mundo. lo mazimo uno aprende el maso y lo masapero del caso, tu te pones en su lugar y te quiere quedar full, como esa vida sin tener ke pensar en trabajo, ni paychecks, ni gasolina, ni dolar subiendo, ni TLC, etc...
lol...que buena Fawking vida...
um, si..eso e
lokoo y tu no le roba la chocorica!!!
...i would...
jajaja, hay teacher usted me hubiera visto a mi si k se hubiera reido conmigo......cuando yo era mas chikita...jajaja...y talves yo le hubiera enseñado algo...or maybe not... si usted no aprendio nada conmigo ...el semestre pasado..JAJA..a jesu...
I MISS YOU TEACHER,can you believe IT?...
Lucia>UR best ex-student..jijij..
eso e pk tu ere joselo! a ti no te da verguenza eso!
clo: i am the king of superpowers
george:that's just what it is
flor:asi en su propia utopia? ;)
franky: heheh no me habia dao cuenta
lucia: hahaha muchacha! y tu lee esto? vaya q apero
los niños, en su propio mundo son felices...lindo es cuando ellos quieren aparentar que son gente grande...ahh & cuando te lloran por algo, al conseguirlo ahi mismo se te etrallan de la risa o_O...Gerald my little cousin esun caso!!
From the desk of :
Kinder teachers
Its weird that u just have spoken about the things u see in recess, because u've been inside the classroom when they're working and u'll know this because they when ur there become shy.
Chalk is a boyscout in front of stickers, stamps, candy, cookies and playing with blocks and play food, trust me, u want a kid to do something? tell them they're not gonna play with blocks or with play food and then u become God.
U should try teaching kinder sometime. Maybe u'll learn as much as we do everyday. :)
Ms.Quezada, Ms. Gomez, Ms. Perez Nova and Ms.Pichardo y Hernandez k ta hablando diparate alli.
p.s. : ur invited to the next icecream party/pigout
hahahahahahah lol!!! se te cumplio your dream!! for a moment you were SUPERMANN!!! WOWOWOW
ay dio mioooo!!!!
yo no me pare de reir ni un solo segundo mientras leia tu post!!
children are amazing...
yo adoro hacer eso k haces... lo hacia muxo mientras esperaba en bella vista mall a mi mejor amigo cuando trabajaba alla... me sentaba en el area de comida, k hay par de makinitas de juegos... y antes, cuando solo habia una cosa rara en el medio k ellos se ponian a correr de un lado pa otro all day long... lol!
children are amazing... definitivamente... =)
Tu blog es sólido
si en su propia utopia!
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